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Published At: 20 Oct 2023
Published By: Admin
Varithena – FDA-Approved Varicose Vein Treatment

When a quick, almost painless, and minimally invasive procedure for varicose veins is available, why are you facing the discomfort? Get back to life and enjoy all activities by getting a Varithena treatment. 

To learn more, keep reading!

What is a Varithena Treatment? 

Varithena is a polidocanol injectable foam used to treat varicose veins and venous reflux disease. In 2013, this treatment was approved by the FDA. Today, Varithena successfully treats varicose veins and the associated symptoms. These symptoms often include itching, swelling, throbbing, heaviness, or aching. 

How does the Process Occur? 

The process of Varithena is simple and can be done in less than an hour. Here are the three steps: 

Before the Process:

The procedure starts by numbing the area so that patients feel minimal to no pain. There is no need for anesthesia. 

During the Process: 

A physician uses a catheter or a small needle to insert the foam in an area that is around the varicose veins. Under ultrasound guidance, the foam fills the vein, due to which the deceased vein collapses, and blood redirects to the healthy veins. The procedure repeats in the same way depending on the number of veins that need treatment. Once this process is completed, you get a bandage on the affected area. 

After the Process: 

Your physician will give you a follow-up date and advise you not to take off the bandage for at least 48 hours. Additionally, the bandage should stay dry. In case it becomes wet, be sure to get it changed instantly. 

Common Concerns before the Procedure

If you are planning to get this treatment, multiple questions may arise in your mind. Do not worry. We have listed down these common queries along with their answers to help you. Here they are: 

1- Is it safe to travel after the Varithena treatment? 

In most cases, short-distance traveling is not an issue. However, if you want to travel for a long distance where leg movement will also be restricted, you need to consult the doctor. 

2- What is the recovery time of the procedure? 

Usually, patients can resume routine activities after a few hours of treatment or from the next day, depending upon the condition. 

3- Is the process painful? 

Commonly, patients do not feel unbearable pain during the procedure. Since the area is numb, there can only be a slight feel of a needle pinching. 


4- Will the process give immediate relief? 

You can notice immediate relief from the pain associated with varicose veins once the procedure is done. Also, there will be a visible difference in the appearance of veins on your legs.  

Let Comprehensive Vein Care Help You!

We at Comprehensive Vein Care specialize in providing modern-day vein treatments. Varithena is one of the successful treatments that we offer. Consult our vein specialist to determine which treatment will be the right choice for you. 

Do not delay!

Give us a call or schedule your appointment online. 

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or