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Published At: 28 Apr 2023
Published By: Comprehensive Vein Care
Is It Safe to Fly with Varicose Veins?

Flying requires long hours of sitting with no space to elevate the legs. That is why patients often find it challenging to fly with varicose veins. But it cannot become a hindrance in your holidays. You can still enjoy vacations and go on business trips. 

This article will guide you about the risks and preventive measures to ensure a safe flight. 

Keep reading!

Many patients fear getting blood clots or deep vein thrombosis due to flying. However, the condition varies from patient to patient. Though flying has some risks, precautionary measures can improve things. 

What are the Reasons for Complications? 


Staying inactive for long hours is a huge risk for patients with varicose veins. Inactivity doesn’t allow blood to flow properly, which may result in developing a blood clot. 

Cabin Pressure 

Though we get oxygen due to cabin pressure, the pressure does not equal the amount of oxygen on the ground. The low level of oxygen can create various complications in circulatory issues. 

Compact Space 

Stretching and elevating the legs is essential for varicose vein patients. Unfortunately, most airplanes do not provide enough space. It is why patients with varicose veins cannot elevate their legs. They experience complications due to poor circulation. 


The humidity level inside a plane is low compared to typical indoor conditions. That is why people become dehydrated, and experience reduced blood flow. 

Tips to Decrease the Risk of Complications 

Use Flights Socks or Compression Stockings

Flight socks or compression stockings apply gentle pressure on the legs. Some flight socks are specifically designed for varicose vein patients. The purpose of these socks is to increase blood flow, which in turn reduces the chances of getting a blood clot. 

Wear Loose Clothing 

Tight clothes can restrict blood flow and cause discomfort. Avoid wearing skin-fitted jeans and trousers. Instead, prefer loose bottoms and airy shirts. Since you need to sit for a long, comfortable and loose clothes made from lightweight material are the best option. 

Release Anxiety and Stress 

Stress can make things difficult for varicose vein patients. Therefore, try to relax with breathing techniques. Breathe in and out, or play white noise to release anxiety. 

Stay Hydrated 

Start consuming plenty of fluids before the day of your flight. It will keep you hydrated, and you can get rid of complications. You can also enjoy different juices on the go!

Pay Extra for More Leg Room 

Don’t hesitate to pay some extra bucks for extended legroom. Especially if you often experience cramps and swelling. More space will help you do some leg exercises and stretching. 


In short, many people fly with varicose veins. Though the risks are undeniable, steps to cope with the challenges are helpful. Following the above instructions will make you feel a noticeable difference on your next flight. 


To get more tips and learn about the latest treatment plans for varicose veins, book your slot!

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or