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Published At: 26 Jan 2023
Published By: Comprehensive Vein Care
Is the Closurefast RFA Procedure A Safe Option For Treating Varicose Veins?

Multiple studies prove that the Closurefast RFA procedure is not only the safest but a highly efficient treatment option for people with varicose veins. While the entire procedure takes up to 45 to 60 minutes to complete, patients may have to spend 2 or 3 hours at the medical facility for pre and post-treatment measures. Plus, patients are allowed to carry on with their lives and perform activities as usual within a couple of days after treatment. 


There are many self-care varicose veins treatment options for patients to use before deciding to see a doctor to go through a surgical procedure. Many people undergo the Closurefast RFA procedure to restore the look of their skin since varicose veins can make the affected area appear unpleasant. 


Although, many individuals opt for this treatment option to get rid of the throbbing pain, swelling, and muscle cramping in the lower legs. The Closurefast RFA helps patients overcome discomfort without experiencing much pain and bruising during or after the procedure. 

Everything You Need To Know About The Closurefast RFA Procedure

Closurefast RFA is a minimally invasive procedure involving thermal treatment for a variety of vein diseases, including varicose veins. Before starting the procedure, an ultrasound imaging exam of the affected leg is carried out in order to assess the superficial vein and plan the treatment accordingly. 


Closurefast RFA involves the usage of radiofrequency energy or heat to close the varicose veins. It relieves the patients of the discomfort and other symptoms of varicose veins by redirecting the blood to healthy veins. 


Here’s how the procedure goes; 

  • First, a small incision is made in the skin to enter the catheter into the diseased vein. The doctor uses ultrasound imaging to ensure that the catheter is positioned accurately.

  • Local anesthesia is used to numb the area around the veins being treated to make the procedure as painless as possible.

  • After entering the catheter into the affected vein, it is used to deliver a controlled amount of heat that leads to the contraction of collagen present in the walls of the veins. Then, the catheter is removed, and the varicose veins collapse while redirecting the blood to healthy veins.

Once the procedure is over, the incision area is covered with a small bandage, and the patient is advised to rest. Closurefast RFA is undoubtedly a highly effective varicose veins treatment compared to other procedures. There are numerous patients who have reported the positive effects of receiving this treatment. The symptoms of varicose veins go away within 2 days, and patients can notice significant improvements within a week. 


Doctors also suggest some follow-up care tips that patients should never ignore. 


Comparing Closurefast RFA to other varicose veins treatment methods, the former is much safer with favorable long-term results. Moreover, patients do not find it very painful. So, if you are suffering from varicose veins, consider going for this procedure.  


You can book an appointment at Comprehensive Vein Care Center to consult certified physicians and undergo the Closurefast RFA procedure in the best environment. 

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or